Website for Ham Radio, i.e. Amateur Radio
One of the Weakest DXers in the World
This website is to praise DX Stations who worked me, for their excellent ears, skills and patience.
I enjoy QRPp DX using an output power of 500 milliwatts (0.5 watts) and dipole antennas.
The green circles in the above map show the locations of the stations whom I worked using 500 milliwatts and dipole.
You can contact me at
If you are using Google Chrome to view this page, it may be better to zoom out to "zoom 80%".
(Last updated: Feb. 21, 2023)
My Websites for Morse Code Practice:

Recorded Audio of W1AW Qualifying Runs
Special Training to Copy Hard-to-Copy Words in Morse Code
Common Letter-Groups in Morse Code
1000 Most Common English Words in Morse Code
For me, the object of this practice is to obtain ARRL Code Proficiency Certificate at 40 WPM.
I believe that the above four websites are very helpful to improve your head-copying and type-copying (with a keyboard) or handwriting-copying skills as well as to obtain the ARRL Code Proficiency Certificate.
(Note: Although this practice is focused on word-based copying, I think that sentence- and context-based copying is also important. Of course, listening to actual CW QSOs on the air is far more important for practice for CW QSOs.)
Very interesting and amazing movie !!
Why QRPp Works
Released October 26, 2017
At 11:20, they mentioned me !!!
My Related Post:
Using Your 0.5 W (500mW), Is It Possible to Work Non-QRP Stations Showing S3 or Less on Your S-Meter ?
Comparison of Signal Strength:
My signals received and recorded by SM4OTI on October 9, 2011, 1010UTC, on 24MHz, CW. Thanks to Steve.

0:00 - 0:41: My output power 10W
1:03 - 1:18: My output power 500mW (0.5W)
1:43 - 2:00: My output power 200mW (0.2W)
MY ANTENNA: a dipole on my balcony about 20mH
Surprisingly, RI1FJ (Franz Josef Land) successfully received my QRPp 500mW/Dipole signals to work me on 10m, 12m, 15m and 17m.

These images are from RI1FJ's QRZ.com page.
My New DXCC No. 187 with QRPp 500mW/Dipole

Thanks to the operator G4FNL for receiving my 500mW/DP signals.
Also thanks to good luck. The propagation conditions were excellent for an instant.
He successfully copied my callsign after I sent my callsign only twice.
My New DXCC No. 186 with QRPp 500mW/Dipole

Great Circle Chart and Gray Line vs. My QRPp/QRP QSO Data
My Output Power: 0.5W (500mW) unless otherwise indicated
My Antenna: Dipole (1999-2005, 2006-2010, 2011-Now)
(1) These charts were generated using DX Atlas created by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA. The original images are more beautiful.
(2) The smallest circle on the chart represents a distance of 3,000 km from the center (i.e. my QTH), and the second smallest circle represents 6,000 km, and so on.(Click to enlarge)

(3) An estimated propagation path is shown as a straight line on the chart, though the actual path may not be straight.
(4) Where the propagation path is estimated to have been a long path based on the DX station's message or information on the Web, etc., the path is shown as a long path on the chart. Some of the paths which are shown as a short path may have actually been a long path.
(5) The QSOs before the year 2005 were made using my previous 3-area callsign (not shown).
(6) The charts represent low energy-loss propagation because most of the QSOs shown were made using a very low power level (500 milliwatts) and a dipole antenna. I do not know very well the exact relationship between the gray line and the radio propagation on higher HF bands, but I believe that the gray line is one of the important factors for low energy-loss propagation even on higher HF bands.
(Click to enlarge)

I was ED9Z's First Japan on 21MHz in 2012 CQWW CW Contest.

QSL Card of 7X4AN (My first Africa with 500mW/DP)

EL2WW's antenna was a broad-band dipole(1,2) according to his mail (My dipole for this QRPp 500mW QSO was this). Please note that, about 20 minutes after this QSO, I made a QRPp 500mW QSO with EA8BWP (see above), who was also using a dipole according to his QSL. Amazing band conditions on the day !!



My 500mW/Dipole Signals Received and Recorded by FY5KE. Thanks to F6FVY. Very difficult polar path.





Very Interesting YouTube Videos of Some of the Above DX Stations:
BS7H (Scarborough Reef)
VK0EK (Heard I.)
FT5ZM (Amsterdam I.) At 1:23, "One hour fifteen minute walk up hill". Very impressive !! Many thanks to the team.
K5P (Palmyra)
K4M (Midway I.)
TX7M (Marquesas Is.)
T33A (Banaba I.)
A25UK (Botswana)
D4C (Cape Verde)
EF8M (Canary Is.)
MU/PA9M (Guernsey)
One of my YouTube Videos:
Power: 500mW; Rig: IC-7000S (100% Power = 10W, 5% Power = 500mW)
Antenna: Dipole mounted on a balcony of my previous QTH
Bottom of the sunspot cycle
My dipole now in use, mounted on my 8-floor balcony.
For more details, please click My Rig and Dipoles.
My Present Results:(As of May 2017)
The Number of QRPp DX QSOs: more than 3,500 DX (non-Japan) QSOs worked using an output power of not more than 500mW and dipole.
Thanks to Good-Ears Stations (who successfully received my weak signals to work me: My Complete Log from Nov. 25, 2006)
DXCC: 187 entities worked with 500 milliwatts/Dipole, on CW: DXCC CW #12,567
1S, 3B6, 3D2/F, 3D2/C, 3D2/R, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4U1ITU, 4W, 4X, 5B, 5N, 5W, 6W, 7X, 9A, 9H, 9M2, 9M6, 9V, A2, A3, A4, A6, AP, BQ9, BS7, BV, BY, C2, CE, CE0/E, CN, CO, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, DU, E5/N, E5/S, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EL, ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FK/C, FM, FO/A, FO/M, FO/P, FW, FT/Z, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, H40, HA, HB, HC, HC8, HL, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS0, JA, JD/M, JD/O, JT, JW, JY, KC4/A, KH0, KH1, KH2, KH4, KH5/P, KH6, KH8/A, KH8/S, KH9, KL, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OE, OH, OH0, OJ0, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ, P2, PA, PY, R, R9, RI1FJ, S2, S5, SM, SP, SV, SV5, SV9, T2, T30, T31, T32, T33, T8, TA, TF, TK, UA2, UJ, UN, UR, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK0/H, VK9/C, VK9/L, VK9/M, VK9/N, VK9/W, VK9/X, VP5, VP6, VP6/D, VP9, VQ9, VR2, W, XE, XU, XW, XX9, XZ, YB, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YU, YV, Z3, ZC4, ZF, ZK2, ZK3, ZL, ZL7, ZL8, ZP, ZS
(Rare entities for me are shown in bold)
28MHz(10m) CW: 109 entities worked with 500mW/Dipole
24MHz(12m) CW: 104 entities worked with 500mW/Dipole
21MHz(15m) CW: 162 entities worked with 500mW/Dipole
18MHz(17m) CW: 125 entities worked with 500mW/Dipole
Please see QRPp DXCC with 500 milliwatts and Dipole

Please see also
QRPp DXCC (with 500 milliwatts and dipoles) During the Sunspot Cycle Minimum:
My Challenge and My Additional Challenge
My Shortest Record for Working 100 DXCC Entities with 500mW/Dipole on CW:
209 Days (May 3 - Nov 27, 2011; See More detail)
May 3 - May 31 (29 days), Total: 29 days
56 entities (3W, 4L, 4O, 5B, 5N, 9A, BA, BV, DJ, DU, EA, EA6, EI, EU, F, G, GW, HA, HL, I, JT, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, LA, LX, LY, LZ, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ, P2, PA, S5, SM, SP, TK, UA(AS), UA(EU), UA2, UN, UR, VE, VK, XU, YB, YO, YU, ZL), Total: 56 entities
Jun 1 - Jun 30 (30 days), Total: 59 days
5 entities (9M2, GI, HS, LU, SV), Total: 61 entities
Jul 1 - Jul 31 (31 days), Total: 90 days
1 entity (AP), Total: 62 entities
Aug 1 - Aug 31 (31 days), Total: 121 days
0 entity (QRT), Total: 62 entities
Sep 1 - Sep 30 (30 days), Total: 151 days
9 entities (4W, FG, HB, IS0, KL, RI1FJ, T8, V8, YV), Total: 71 entities
Oct 1 - Oct 31 (31 days), Total: 182 days
14 entities (4X, 5W, 9M6, E7, ER, FO/M, GJ, GM, GU, JA, OJ0, T32, UK, YL), Total: 85 entities
Nov 1 - Nov 27 (27 days), Total: 209 days
15 entities (9H, CO, E6, EX, EY, FM, FY, HR, PY, TA, TF, XE, YN, Z3, ZF), Total: 100 entities
ADXA (At least 30 DXCC entities in Asia): 35 entities worked with 500 milliwatts + Dipole, on CW
"QRPp" shown in this award means an output power of not more than 500 milliwatts.
WAZ (CQ zones): 36 worked with 500 milliwatts + Dipole, on CW
Wanted 4 zones: Zones 2, 34, 36 and 37.
WAS (US States): 47 worked with 500 milliwatts + Dipole, on CW
Wanted 3 states: KS, MS and SD.
Non-Japanese Prefixes: 1214 unique prefixes worked with 500 milliwatts + Dipole, on CW
Grid Squares: 973 unique grid squares worked with 500 milliwatts + Dipole, on CW
Europe Grid Map and North America Grid Map
World Grid Field Map
Grid fields that I worked with QRPp 500mW (0.5W) and a dipole are marked in blue.

This map was generated using DX Atlas created by Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA. The original map is more beautiful.
LoTW of One-Day WAC Worked With QRPp 500mW & Dipole in CQWW CW 2012

Results of Contests

I have just received the above QSL card from FG5FR, Frantz in Guadeloupe, whom I worked using an output power of 500 milliwatts and a dipole.
Guadeloupe is located at the eastern edge of the Caribbean Sea, which is the most difficult area to work from Japan.
As shown in the card, he was using "D3W" antenna, which is probably a rotatable dipole from Cushcraft.
Surprisingly, he successfully received my very weak 500 milliwatts/dipole signal using the dipole !!
Thanks to Frantz for the memorable contact I will never forget (Oct. 20, 2011).
Using an output power of 500mW and a dipole, it is very rare and difficult for me to work distant DX stations who are using a simple antenna such as a dipole or vertical.
Distant DX stations who were using a dipole or vertical and whom I worked using 500mW and a dipole include:
EA8BWP(Canary Is.)
MU/PA9M(Guernsey Is.)
OH0/OK2BOB(Aland Is), etc.
Please see Great-Ears Stations.

Great ears !!
Please see also eQSL Gallery.
In 2011, a number of Morse memorial stations were QRV to celebrate the 220th anniversary of the birth of Samuel Morse.
Using 500 milliwatts and dipoles, I worked the following Morse memorial stations.
SQ0MORSE (Poland; Apr. 29, 2011, 15m, CW)
DA2MORSE (Germany; May 5, 2011, 17m, CW)
M0RSE (England; Oct. 22, 2011, 10m, CW)
8J1MORSE/2 (Japan; Nov. 8, 2011, 10m, CW)
EM0RSE (Ukraine; Dec. 2, 12m; Dec. 3, 10m; Dec. 24, 15m: all in 2011 and on CW)
I received the following beautiful award.
(Click to enlarge)

My movie of the Morse Runner (Activity 4/ 20 QSOs / 5 minutes / 45 WPM).
Please watch this movie in the highest-quality (720p HD) format.
You can also listen to my recorded audio file.
("WPX Competition" mode; CW Pitch: 750Hz; Rx Bandwidth: 500-600Hz)
Activity 4 / 58 QSOs / 15 minutes / 47 WPM
WPX Competition mode / hour
My First Trial: QSOs: 86, Multi: 73, Score: 6278 (Mar. 16, 2007)
My Best Result at 45WPM: QSOs: 203, Multi: 157, Score: 31871 (Nov. 12, 2007)
My Best Result at 47WPM: QSOs: 205, Multi: 167, Score: 34235 (Nov. 4, 2008)

My Movie of Pileup Runner:
Please watch this movie in the highest-quality (1080p HD) and largest (full screen) format.
Competition mode. Difficult Continent: EU.
In this movie, I am dealing with the pileup by reading the waterfalls without listening to the CW sound.

(as of Feb. 2014)
(1) About Me
i) Name: AKI
ii) QTH: Nagoya-city, Aichi JAPAN
JCC#2001, Grid Square PM85
iii) Born in 1965.
iv) Ham since 1975.
i) Shogi (Japanese chess) (5 "dan" in the amateur ranking system)
ii) Astronomy
As a citizen science volunteer for Supernova Hunters, I have so far discovered more than 600 new supernova candidates including SN2018clq (At the bottom of the page, "jq2uoz" is shown as one of the volunteers who discovered the supernova candidate).
The following images (left and right) shows the supernova SN2018cjn that I identified in the project. The supernova is not shown in the middle image because the middle image was taken before the supernova explosion. This supernova is about 1.3 billion light-years away from the earth (redshift = 0.1). That is, this supernova exploded about 1.3 billion years ago, and the light generated by the explosion traveled through space for 1.3 billion years and has just reached the earth. I was the first person in the world to identify this supernova.

(The left and middle images are from https://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/ps1threepi/psdb/candidate/1184620411704413400/, and the right image is from http://legacysurvey.org/viewer?ra=281.5850&dec=70.7369&zoom=14&layer=dr8)
If you are interested in supernovae and galaxies, please see My Favorite Galaxies in Sky Viewer at https://www.legacysurvey.org/.

iii) I was good at skating (short-track speed skating).
iv) I enjoy table tennis.
i) I use an output power of 500 milliwatts to call a target DX station.
In "599 BK"-style QSOs, I maintain my output power at 500 milliwatts until completion of the QSOs.
In non-"599 BK" style QSOs, after confirming that my callsign has been correctly copied and after sending his/her RST at 500 milliwatts, I sometimes increase my power to 5 watts or 10 watts (my maximum power) to send my name, QTH, RIG, ANT, WX, etc., depending on the band conditions.
I consider the contact as a QRPp contact at 500 milliwatts.
ii) During the solar cycle maximum in 1999-2002, I enjoyed QRP at 5 watts.
But now I do NOT use an output power of more than 500 milliwatts to call DX stations, except for DX QSOs on low bands, some contests, some 2-way QRP QSOs, etc.
Please see also:
QRP Quarterly (published by QRP ARCI), vol.52, No.3, p.23, Summer (2011), "QRPp from J-Land" (about me, written by N1IMW)
QST (published by ARRL), April 2015, p.76, "The 500 Milliwatt Man" (about me, written by WB8IMY)

My Favorite Music
Healing BGM - Nutcracker: Waltz of the Flowers - Electone performance by my son

You can contact me at
[Keywords: CW, Morse, QRPp, QRP, DX, DXCC, dipole, antenna, balcony, apartment, condo, 500mW, milliwatt, Radix, RDL-2000, RDL-4015, RDE-15, RDE-C17, fishing rod, wire antenna, 電信、モールス、ミリワット、アパマン、バルコニー、ベランダ、アンテナ、ダイポール、ラディックス、釣竿、ワイヤーアンテナ、フジインダストリー、伸縮ポール]