1000 Most Common English Words in Morse Code

If you are using Google Chrome to view this page, it may be better to zoom out to "zoom 80%".

You can change CW Speed, Effective Speed, CW Audio Frequency, etc., by clicking the rightmost setting icon in the CW Players.

(Default Settings: Speed: 20 WPM; eff.Speed: 20 WPM; Word space: off; Frequency: 750 Hz)

Regarding "Speed" (i.e., character speed) and "eff.Speed" (i.e., effective speed), please see https://lcwo.net/forum/78 and https://lcwo.net/forum/1592 .

The words are shown in List of Words

The CW Players were generated using "Convert text to CW" (https://lcwo.net/text2cw) created by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK. Thanks to Fabian.

No. 1 to No. 500 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 1: No. 1 to No. 500 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 2: No. 1 to No. 500 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 3: No. 1 to No. 500 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 4: No. 1 to No. 500 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 5: No. 1 to No. 500 Most Common English Words

No. 501 to No. 1000 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 1: No. 501 to No. 1000 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 2: No. 501 to No. 1000 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 3: No. 501 to No. 1000 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 4: No. 501 to No. 1000 Most Common English Words

Shuffled Version 5: No. 501 to No. 1000 Most Common English Words

You can generate other shuffled audio files using, for example, the shuffling function of Microsoft Excel and Text to Morse Converter in LCWO.net.
If you would like other shuffled words lists, please do not hesitate to contact me at jq2uoz(at)hotmail.co.jp

For me, the object of this training is to obtain ARRL Code Proficiency Certificate at 40 WPM.
I believe that this page and the following three websites are very helpful to achieve this object as well as improve your head-copying and type-copying (with a keyboard) or handwriting-copying skills.
Common Letter-Groups in Morse Code
Special Training to Copy Hard-to-Copy Words in Morse Code
Recorded Audio of W1AW Qualifying Runs
(Note: Although this practice is focused on word-based copying, I think that sentence- and context-based copying is also important. Of course, listening to actual CW QSOs on the air is far more important for practice for CW QSOs.)